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The hemp is organically grown in Croatia / Slovenia without the use of pesticides and other chemicals.
The Hemp is organically grown in Croatia without the use of pesticides and other chemicals. Once harvested the seeds are separated from the flowers and cold pressed below 50 °C. Pura Vida CBD Oil UK | CBD Honey & Tea Pura Vida CBD Full Spectrum Cannabinoid Extract Made With CBD Paste - Choice of Two Base Oils is a really interesting new CBD range that we are very excited to be stocking as part of our ever expanding CBD product collection. Pura Vida CBD UK - Quintessential Tips Pura Vida CBD is a very unique brand of hand-made Cannabinoid rich hemp oil products. Every single one of our products is 100% natural and have not been mass-produced or filtered. Pura Vida CBD Full Spectrum 10% Oil with Olive Oil 1000mg CBD Pura Vida CBD full spectrum cannabinoid extract oils are combined with cold pressed olive oil. Olive trees growing naturally in Croatia without the use of pesticides and other chemicals.
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